Coding Classes for Kids in

FTC Robotics

Ages 12-18

Robotics Teams

Penguin Coding School has been coaching competition robotics teams since 2017. We field multiple teams every year and a few of our top teams  make it to the state championships.  There are two levels based on age & experience: First Lego League (FLL) for ages 9-14 which uses Lego Robot kits to complete mission challenges and research an innovative solution to a global problem and First Tech Challenge (FTC) for ages 12-18 which uses metal pieces, nuts & bolts, motors & servos to build "real" robots and organize community outreach and team fundraisers.

First Tech Challenge (FTC)

ages 12-18

For students who are aging out of FLL, but can't get enough of the team robotics, there is another level of robotics competition called "First Tech Challenge" (FTC)

FTC Robotics are different from FLL:

uses metal & rubber parts from professional hobby robotics vendors, coding in Java (programming language) and the requirements for knowledge of robot design, community outreach and fundraising are meant for advanced middle school and high school students.  

  • FTC Team membership for 2023 is closed.  We are accepting new students into our 2024 Season class via the Intro to FTC class below.  This is currently only available in our Lexington location. (please email if you are interested to find out more)