Penguin Coding School 2022 COVID Policies

(updated November 18, 2022) Penguin Coding School's health and safety protocols have been designed in response to guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and the Massachusetts and New York City Department of Public HealthOur plan is designed to prioritize the health and safety of our community members and our student population.

  • Each cohort/class is separate and stay with the same teacher + assistant.  

  • Use of face masks covering nose and mouth are highly recommended but not required as of March 14, 2022 (we usually follow the local school district guidance on masking but we reserve the right to change this as local circumstances change and entirely at our discretion).

  • No eating & drinking except for lunch time and snack breaks, which will take place outdoors (weather permitting)

  • Ventilation through open windows & doors (weather permitting).

  • Air purifiers with HEPA filters are placed in each classroom.

  • All our teachers and staff are required to be fully vaccinated.

  • Any student testing positive required to notify Penguin Coding School via phone call or email to

    If an in-person student or staff tests positive for COVID-19, the student or staff must inform Penguin Coding School, and close contacts in class will be informed about the positive test, while maintaining confidentiality.

  • If a student or staff tests positive for COVID-19, the student or staff will not be permitted to come back for in-person class or work until ALL of the following criteria are met:

    1. No COVID symptoms;

    2. It has been 24 hours since a fever resolved without the use of medication;

    3. Negative rapid antigen test or negative PCR test result OR 5 days have passed since symptoms first occurred (or since the person tested positive, if he/she remains asymptomatic the entire time).

    If student or a member of the student’s household has been in close contact with a confirmed case, or a member of the student’s household tested positive to COVID-19, you must inform Penguin Coding School and present to us a negative rapid antigen or PCR test result taken at least 3 days after exposure unless you meet one of the exemption criteria below:

  • The following students are exempt from testing and quarantine requirements after possible covid-19 exposure:

    • Asymptomatic, fully vaccinated close contacts: Individuals who are asymptomatic and fully vaccinated are exempt from testing and quarantine response protocols.

    • Close contacts who have had COVID-19 within the past 90 days: An individual who has been previously diagnosed with COVID-19 and then becomes a close contact of someone with COVID-19 is exempt from testing and quarantine response protocols if:

      • The exposure occurred within 90 days of the onset of their own illness AND

      • The exposed individual is recovered and remains without COVID-19 symptoms.

While the student is not able to return to the classroom, an equivalent lesson with a live teacher will be offered online via Zoom or video recordings of the lessons will be made available. We may not be able to provide the same teacher for the makeup lesson.

All participants must sign a release affirming that they will be truthful in their health questionnaire and disclose close contact to a positive case.